Friday, July 25, 2014

Drinking For The Sharks

For the second year we are collaborating with Lake Effect Brewing to make our celebratory Shark Week beer, Blood In The Water. Our recipe is a refreshing saison, brewed with spicy Saaz hops, fresh ginger for a bite, and a ton of hibiscus flowers for its beautiful blood red color. 

Why are we brewing a Shark Week beer? Well, sharks are awesome.

As an East Coast native, ocean conservation and awareness for marine habitat has always been a passion. For us, Shark Week is another holiday and a chance to raise awareness for a species that is endangered, and an important part of our ecosystem. Being in Chicago and removed from the ocean, my hope is to bring awareness to folks here by celebrating one bad-ass fish through another passion – craft beer.

Last year proceeds from pint sales and our launch party were donated to Shark Savers charity (501(c)3). This year we're upping our game. We've doubled production and are bottling Blood In The Water, with donations from bottle sales also going to charity. 

In addition we'll be putting a killer bottle release party on August 12th with our friends over at Bottles & Cans in North Center. We'll be raffling off rare beers and prizes from local businesses. Shark themed surprises will ensue, you don't want to miss this celebration!

Shark Party!!
August 12th/6-9pm, 4109 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago
Free to the public, must be 21+ to sample

For more information or press inquiries, please contact us here.